District Contacts

6:30-8:30p PT, held the second Thursday of every month, via Zoom, open to all:
Meeting ID: 870 1936 4650
Passcode: 669870
Public Outreach Tools
District 25 and WA Area have several tools to help you with public outreach including retractable banners, business cards, bookmarks and flyers. Please ask your Group Representative for more information, or email Outreach, or ContactDistrict25 (above).
Where to Send Tradition 7 Funds
District 25
WA Area
(World Service Office)
Whatcom AFG
c/o Treasurer
PO Box 1550
Bellingham, WA 98225
— make checks out to:
District 25 Al-Anon
Click Here for Online, or mail to:
12128 Division St.
PMB 1531
Spokane, WA 99218
If you are making a group contribution, please be sure to clearly provide your group number on the payment.
AFG Inc.
1600 Corporate Landing Parkway
Virginia Beach, VA 23454
If you are making a group contribution, please be sure to clearly provide your group number on the payment.

The World Service Organization newsletter, "In The Loop," comes out monthly.

All members are encouraged to register for "In The Loop" at al-anon.org/emailme.
"In The Loop" is also automatically sent to all Al-Anon groups’ Current Mailing Address (CMA) of record. New CMAs are added as they are identified. Outgoing CMAs are not removed from the distribution list unless they ask to be removed, or if their email bounces back.
“From your WSO Board of Trustees”
January 2023 Chairperson of the Board Letter
Dear Al‑Anon and Alateen members,
The purpose of this Chairperson of the Board (COB) letter is to share with you some highlights from the January 2023 Board Week. You will also find updates from our Policy Chairperson, a Finance Update from our Treasurer, and a Conference Leadership Team (CLT) update.
It has been my pleasure to welcome the new Panel 63 Delegates as members of the World Service Conference (WSC). The Board of Trustees and Executive Committee (EC) members, World Service Office (WSO) Staff, and Panel 61 and 62 Delegates wish you all the best in your new role as Delegate. I was glad to see many of you in Virginia Beach in April for the 63rd WSC. (See the CLT update for more information.)
With gratitude,
Lynette K.
Chairperson, Board of Trustees
Al‑Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc.
January 2023 Chairperson of the Board Letter
January 2023 Policy Committee Update
January 2023 Finance Update
January 2023 Conference Leadership Team (CLT) Update